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Strategic Autonomy: A New Identity for the EU as a Global Actor


Abstract: Over the last decade, strategic autonomy has become a key tool for structuring the EU’s external action. This Insight examines the evolution of the concept in EU discourse and practice, explores its consequences on the emergence of the notion of "European sovereignty", and analyses how strategic autonomy is used to streamline both...

Reinforcing Europe's Technological Sovereignty Through Trade Measures: The EU and Member States' Shared Sovereignty


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the EU and Member States’ initiatives to reinforce Europe’s technological sovereignty (i.e. technological leadership and independence from others (especially China)) as far as semiconductors are concerned. It explores whether it is necessary to change the current allocation of powers...

Setting Norms and Promoting a Rules-based International Legal Order: Enhancing Strategic Autonomy Through the Autonomy of the EU Order


Abstract: This Insight analyses whether and to what extent the legal implication of the EU operating as an autonomous legal order can contribute to also ensuring its strategic autonomy. The way the European Court of Justice has interpreted the autonomy principle and preserves the autonomy of the EU legal order enhances the strategic...

Before the Gatekeeper Sits the Law. The Digital Markets Act's Regulation of Information Control


Keywords: Digital Markets Act – gatekeepers – information – data – contestability – fairness.

The entry into force of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) introduces a novelty into the legal lexicon.[1] A new term elbows its way into the bustling debate over the regulation of the...

Belarus-sponsored Migration Movements and the Response by Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland: A Critical Appraisal


Abstract: Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland have amended their legislation to respond to the increased migration flows caused by the policies of instrumentalisation of migrants implemented by the Belarusian government. This Insight illustrates these responses and shows how these EU Member States instrumentalised border tensions with Belarus to...

Verso Schrems III? Analisi del nuovo EU-US Data Privacy Framework


Abstract: The Insight aims to analyse whether the Executive Order 14086 of 7 October 2022, signed by the President of the United States following the achievement of the so-called EU-US Data Privacy Framework, has addressed the requirements emerging from the Court of Justice’s ruling in the case Schrems II (case C-311/18). It...

Norme intese a conferire diritti ai singoli e tutela risarcitoria di interessi diffusi: una riflessione a margine della sentenza JP c Ministre de la Transition écologique


Abstract: This Insight takes the Court of Justice’s ruling in JP v Ministre de la Transition écologique and Premier Ministre (case C-61/21) as a starting point to reflect, more broadly, on the interpretation of the first condition of State liability for breaches of EU law, i.e. that the rule breached shall be intended to...

Language Requirements: Integration Measures or Legal Barriers? Insights from X v Udlændingenævnet


Abstract: In X v Udlændingenævnet, the Court of Justice dealt with a Danish provision requiring a Turkish worker, legally resident in Denmark, to successfully pass a language test as a necessary condition to provide his spouse with a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification. The Court claimed that said legislation...

Gedanken zum Austausch zwischen der deutsch-und der englischsprachigen Europarechtswissenschaft


Keywords: EU law research – methodologies – incentive structures – exchange across language boundaries – Brexit – retained EU law

Die vorliegende erste deutschsprachige Ausgabe der ansonsten eher anglophonen European Papers lädt zu der Frage ein, wie es um den Austausch zwischen der deutschsprachigen und der...

Von der Macht der Sprache im Europäischen Rechtsdiskurs – ein deutscher Beitrag


Keywords: Rechtsdiskurs – Sprache – Staatenverbund – Verfassungsverbund – Verfassungsgemeinschaft – Wortwissenschaft.

Das Recht und die Wissenschaft vom Recht sind sprachgebunden; Sprache ermöglicht und begrenzt Rechtsdiskurse; Sprache ist Macht- und Vermittlungsinstrument, Rechts- und Kulturgut zugleich....



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