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Do Employers Need to Record Working Time? The Court of Justice Gives Guidance in Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) v. Deutsche Bank SAE


Keywords: working time – rest breaks – health and safety – Charter – record-keeping – control.

Do employers need to keep a record of workers’ actual hours worked? The Court of Justice had the opportunity to provide an answer in Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) v. Deutsche Bank SAE....

State Aid, the Criterion of State Resources and Renewable Energy Support Mechanisms: Fresh Wind from Luxembourg in EEG 2012


Abstract: EEG 2012 (judgment of 28 March 2019, case C-405/16 P, Germany v. Commission) deals with the assessment under EU State aid rules of a German renewable energy support mechanism in force from 2012 to 2014. The case hinged on the proper interpretation and application of the criterion of State resources. The Court of Justice...

The Family in EU Law After the SM Ruling: Variable Geometry and Conditional Deference


Abstract: SM (Court of Justice, judgment of 26 March 2019, case C-129/18 [GC]) revolved around the possibility of embracing a child in guardianship under the Algerian kafala system within the EU law notion of “family member”. In the ruling, the Court opened the door to a “variable geometry” notion of family. To this extended notion...

Religious Slaughtering and Organic Labels: Œuvre d’assistance aux bêtes d’abattoirs


Abstract: In Œuvre d’assistance aux bêtes d’abattoirs (judgment of 26 February 2019, case C-497/17 [GC]) the Court of Justice held that the EU organic label cannot be placed on meat products if the animal has been slaughtered in accordance with religious rites, when the animal was not stunned before killing. According to the Court, this is...

Bold, but Without Justification? Tjebbes


Abstract: Tjebbes (Court of Justice, judgment of 12 March 2019, case C-221/17 [GC]) builds on and extends the scope of a line of existing cases that has started to redefine the relationship between EU citizenship and Member State nationality. This Insight inquires on which legal grounds the Court of Justice could justify its bold...

The Tjebbes Fail


Abstract: This Insight briefly analyses ten most significant untenable assumptions underlying the Court of Justice’s ruling in Tjebbes (judgment of 12 March 2019, case C-221/17 [GC]), where the Court departed from earlier case-law by essentially tolerating the annulment of EU citizenship ex lege as a result of a non-...

La verità, vi prego, sul criterio del creditore privato: Commissione c. FIH Holding e FIH Erhvervsbank


Abstract: In Commission v. FIH Holding and FIH Erhvervsbank (judgement of 6 March 2018, case C-579/16 P), the Court of Justice dealt with the case of a bank, beneficiary of an aid scheme, that had already been granted a number of benefits, which were approved by the European Commission as aid schemes compatible with the internal market. The...

Freedom of Movement, Social Integration and Naturalization: Testing Reverse Discrimination in the Recent Case Law of the Court of Justice


Abstract: The Insight addresses reverse discrimination in the field of free movement and derived residence rights for EU citizens’ family members who are third country nationals. It outlines the debate concerning the justification for differential treatment and discusses the role of the EU and the Member States in relation to reverse discrimination. While the...



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