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“Lawful Employment” as a Precondition for the Recognition of Residence Rights: Bajratari


Abstract: In the judgment of Bajratari, the Court of Justice was asked to determine whether the availability of sufficient resources established by Art. 7, para. 1, let. b), of Directive 2004/38/EU as a precondition for the recognition of Union citizens’ right of residence in another Member State for more than three months should be...

The Family in EU Law After the SM Ruling: Variable Geometry and Conditional Deference


Abstract: SM (Court of Justice, judgment of 26 March 2019, case C-129/18 [GC]) revolved around the possibility of embracing a child in guardianship under the Algerian kafala system within the EU law notion of “family member”. In the ruling, the Court opened the door to a “variable geometry” notion of family. To this extended notion...

The Tjebbes Fail


Abstract: This Insight briefly analyses ten most significant untenable assumptions underlying the Court of Justice’s ruling in Tjebbes (judgment of 12 March 2019, case C-221/17 [GC]), where the Court departed from earlier case-law by essentially tolerating the annulment of EU citizenship ex lege as a result of a non-...

Bold, but Without Justification? Tjebbes


Abstract: Tjebbes (Court of Justice, judgment of 12 March 2019, case C-221/17 [GC]) builds on and extends the scope of a line of existing cases that has started to redefine the relationship between EU citizenship and Member State nationality. This Insight inquires on which legal grounds the Court of Justice could justify its bold...

Freedom of Movement, Social Integration and Naturalization: Testing Reverse Discrimination in the Recent Case Law of the Court of Justice


Abstract: The Insight addresses reverse discrimination in the field of free movement and derived residence rights for EU citizens’ family members who are third country nationals. It outlines the debate concerning the justification for differential treatment and discusses the role of the EU and the Member States in relation to reverse discrimination. While the...

Is Toufik Lounes Another Brick in the Wall? The CJEU and the On-going Shaping of the EU Citizenship


Abstract: This Insight tackles a recent judgment of the CJEU, Toufik Lounes (Court of Justice, judgment of 14 November 2017, case C-165/16, Toufik Lounes v. Secretary of State for the Home Department), where the CJEU was asked to rule on the case of a EU national, Ms García Omazábal, who...

Le droit de séjour dérivé et l’effet utile
de la citoyenneté de l’Union:
 la position de la Cour de Justice


Keywords: European citizenship – freedom of movement – right of residence – fundamental rights – burden of proof – best interests of the child.

La jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice des dernières années concernant les membres des familles des citoyens de l’UE a marqué une ouverture vers l’intégration qui...

Changement volontaire du nom, titres nobiliaires et ordre public: l’arrêt Bogendorff von Wolffersdorff


Abstract: In a recent ruling (judgment of 2 June 2016, case C-438/14, Bogendorff von Wolffersdorff) concerning the recognition in a Member State of the name and surname of a dual national, freely chosen in another Member State and containing a number of tokens of nobility, the Court of Justice focused on the proportionality of the...

García Nieto: Another Restrictive Approach in the European Citizenship Case Law


Keywords: CJEU – EU citizenship – social benefits – short-term residence – economically inactive – family reunification.

On February 2016, the CJEU rendered an important judgment in, García-Nieto et al., on the limits to the right to social assistance granted to European citizens living in another...

Equal Treatment in the Field of Social Security: Can Economically Inactive Citizens Be Required to Be Lawfully Resident in the Host Member State to Access Certain Social Security Benefits?


Keywords: social security – benefits – lawful residence – economically inactive – citizens – equal treatment.

This infringement action was brought by the Commission against the UK for requiring non-UK Union citizens who are economically inactive to lawfully reside in the UK to access certain social...


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