Schengen and Free Movement Law During the First Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Of Symbolism, Law and Politics


Table of Contents: I. Introduction: border closures as a source of symbolic capital. – II. Reintroduction and termination of internal border controls. – II.1. Legality of the initial suspension of border-free travel. – II.2. Alternatives to systematic internal border controls. – II.3. Return to normality: intergovernmental cooperation. – II.4....

La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne et l’exigence d’indépendance de la justice


Table of Contents: I. La question de l’indépendance des juges et des procureurs. – II. L’indépendance comme exigence primordiale pour la coopération judiciaire pénale. – II.1. Une garantie essentielle pour la protection des droits fondamentaux. – II.2. Un gage de confiance mutuelle entre autorités judiciaires. – III. L’indépendance comme exigence...

Confiance mutuelle, reconnaissance mutuelle et crise de valeurs: la difficile équation entre justice pénale européenne et diversité nationale


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. La confiance mutuelle face aux violations des valeurs européennes. – II.1. La mise en place de la confiance mutuelle dans la coopération judiciaire pénale comme base constitutionnelle de la reconnaissance mutuelle. – II.2. L’exception d’ordre public à la reconnaissance mutuelle: entre ordre public national...

Why Is a Redefinition of the Autonomous Concept of an 'Issuing Judicial Authority' in European Arrest Warrant Proceedings Needed?


Table of Contents: I. The importance of defining the concept of an “issuing judicial authority". – II.The unclear purpose of modifying the definition of an “issuing judicial authority” in the second draft Framework Decision on the EAW – III. The broad concept of an “issuing judicial authority” in the case law of the Court of Justice. – IV. The...

Towards a European Right to Claim Innocence?


Table of Contents: I. EU law and revision. – II. The nature of revision and (Western) European grounds. – II.1. The nature of revision: striking a balance between legal certainty and justice. – II.2. Different approaches on the grounds for revision in (Western) Europe. – III. Harmonisation of criminal revision procedure law. – III.1. Competence for...

How Can States Possess History via Memorials?


Abstract: The story recounted in Budapest in the Shadow of Dictatorships (K. Ungváry, G. Tabajdi, Budapest a Diktatúrák Árnyékában: Titkos Helyszínek, Szibolikus Terek és Emlékhelyek – Budapest in the Shadow of Dictatorship: Secret Places, Symbolic Spaces and Places of Memory, Budapest: Jaffa, 2013) points out how...

Mind the Fog, Stand Clear of the Cliff! From the Political Declaration to the Post-Brexit EU-UK Legal Framework – Part I


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Genesis of the Political Declaration. – III. Transitional period and post-Brexit negotiations. – III.1. The transitional period: raison d'être and the basic parameters. – III.2. Political Declaration and negotiations of the future EU-UK framework. – III.3. Post-Brexit negotiations. IV. Post...

From the Ground up: The Use of Minimum Rules in EU Procedural Criminal Law and the Question of Member States’ Discretion


Table of Contents: I. A brief journey to the world of minimum rules. – I.1. The origins of minimum rules. – I.2. The current legal framework. – II. Orchestrating the harmonisation of procedural criminal norms in the EU. – III. Minimum rules and the question of national discretion. – IV. Raising barriers to national discretion. – V. Conclusion....



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